Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Busy Week

My two days offs over! Back to work and I would say thank you for the loads of work for this week.

From the Pyramids Of Giza, to the busy streets of Bangkok, to magestic Istanbul to the Kingdom of SA. Shukran, Krubkupkap, Teyshkur, Tislam.

And before you know it, the Hearts Month is over. And it's my birth month already! Yahoo! Gifts anyone? (JK)

I LVoe!

Knight And Day

Summer is coming and we know that most of the big budget and star studded films in Hollywood will fight for this playdate. Recently I watched the official trailer of Knight And Day, and honestly, I got excited to see Tom and Cameron together. I was surprised to see Tom getting in shape and looking good by the way, while Cameron, still funny but she aged a bit, I don't know if she'll be happy to hear that.

It is action packed yet the film is comedy in nature, sort of Bonnie & Clyde. And Cameron is very good in that while Tom infused his Mission Impossible charisma which made the film more interesting to watch. See the official trailer in HD.

I LVoe!