Monday, June 07, 2010

Romain Trinchero: Lick Me!

These provocative photos are taken by Julio Gaggia, modeled by Romain Trinchero.

Lick Me! Very well said!

I LVoe!

source: homotography

Chris Evans: Hot Hot Hot

Let the fire begins. Chris Evans by Tony Duran!

The intensity is getting higher as Chris Flaunts it!

I LVoe!

source: homotography|flauntmagazine

Playing With Pattrash!

I adopted a child!

A cat I mean! A Persian one. A friend is on a nine day layover to Singapore and Brisbane and nobody will take care of her little, cute Persian.

I can't pronounce her native Serbian-American name so I named her Pattrash! She is definitely confused about her name now.

Persian Cats are basically quiet and nice. They don't make crazy sounds like other domesticated cats and they are really good and affectionate.

I want to have one soon but my fear is I may ignite my asthmatic tendency so better not.

Well for the meantime, you are mine Pattrash!

I LVoe!