Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It Takes As Long As It Takes...

Everything we desire if it's really meant for you,will be given to you no matter how impossible you think it will be. I met my BFF (best friend forever) Angelica and her beau, Mikhail at Starbucks for a quick sip of frappuccino and chitchat. Mikhail said that the position for Cabin Senior opens again! It brighten my tired eyes, of course coming from a two day morning " Inspired Service " training for economy. I was estatic!

This might be the sign I'm looking for, he said that I must apply now and check my crew mail. With all enthusiam after buying some stuff at the grocery, I walked fast and checked it.

Viola! Opening for Cabin Senior, I am qualified only to be dismayed. Because they changed the Experience requirement again, before, as long as you have previous premium and supervisory position experience from other airline, you can apply. So most of the new crew applied. But now, you need to be IS (inspired service) premium zone trained and actually worked there, for 6 months. What? I've been in economy for 2 years and 2 months now! And last year, newbies with experience where accepted for the position, junior than me! (no offense, but that's how the cookie crumbles right?) Well, maybe not for me. I am still inspired working though, with a little bit disappointment. Maybe next time ei!

No grudges for me!

I stumbled-upon this nice tee shirt from holycool, " it takes as long as it takes " tee.

This tee by W+K Studio has a great statement that reminds us of how it's impossible to make something take less time than it's supposed to take. That's a good thing to keep in mind in the new year.

For only $ 20. 

I LVoe.

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