Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To Prepare For A Cabin Crew Interview

Talking about your dream job. Is it becoming a doctor, an astronaut, a billionaire or a flight attendant.

Though its a tough times now, still many airline companies in the MIDEAST are hiring. So this is your chance. There are two open days in EY March 13 and 27 unfortunately, for Arabic speakers only, so other nationalities need to wait.

Thousands of young lad and ladies wants to become one, but only a chosen few are given the golden ticket for the training. Gone were the old days when you see certain individuals who eludes confidence, elegance, poise and unique beauty and you will not hesitate to say that they are flight attendants. Now, everyone can be a cabin crew. What happens to the standards or we don't have anymore? It's like you speak little English, Okay you're hired! No more at least 5'3" for females and 5'7" for males height, as long as you can reach the allocated height test, you're in and up for the next round. No offense but you will see dozens of flying crew in my company that falls below the standards of major airlines qualifications. Nonetheless, I now encourage everyone as long as you have the confidence and the eagerness to change lifestyle, GO!

So here are some tips on how to make an impression during an open day or a scheduled interview for your dream job!

DRESS PROPERLY: If you want to become a flight attendant, try looking like one. Start by wearing a blue or black suit to the interview. Skirt length should be no more than an inch above the knee and pantyhose are a must , wear stockings that compliments your skin tone. Keep fingernails clean and polished and long hair pulled back or styled conservatively. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum - no dangly earrings! An average pearl earrings will do. Do not overdo the makeup and look like witches and scare the interviewers. Think fresh and neat. For guys try not to put a kilo of hair gel you don't want to have the impression that you just came out of the shower.

BE YOURSELF: First impressions count. It's a nerve wracking experience, but try to relax and don't forget to smile. Introduce yourself to other candidates in the room. Airlines prefer applicants who are friendly. So be yourself, enjoy the moment, and laugh! Have fun, But try to compose yourself and don't overdo the laughing thing and they might think you are a retard!

CONFIDENCE IS KEY: Having attended several open days from major airlines, in some ways make you a veteran in this hiring process. Just have the confidence and the "can do" attitude that you will do well and you will impress them. Just to remind everyone that the hiring process is very subjective. Before you even come in, the interviewers already know what they want and like to hire. So even though you have tons of confidence, beauty and experience in your bag, if they don't like you, well, better luck next time. But it's important to make a good impression. Keep it positive whenever answering a question, especially when discussing yourself or any past employers and coworkers. Also, don't be the last person to answer each question. Be confident. Raise your hand. Don't argue, stress your point positively, don't look at the interviewers while doing the group discussion. Sit properly, don't slouch or be grumpy. SMILE!

TALK THE TALK: Use the phrase "good customer service" and the word "flexible" as often as possible. Flight attendants spend more time with passengers than anyone else in the industry, so airlines are looking for applicants with experience in customer service. Try sharing stories about the times you provided good customer service. Because a majority of flight attendants do not get based where they live right out of training, and because a flight attendant's schedule is constantly changing and many of us are on-call for days, even months, at a time, it's very important to remain "flexible." Show examples of that as well. And you handle stress perfectly. You are a well-rounded person and can get along with different nationalities, can resolve difficult situations with your experience and grace. And you don't mind working in different time shifts.

BESIDES TRAVELING AND MEETING NEW PEOPLE.... why do you want to become a flight attendant? Believe you me, that is a question you will have to answer. So come prepared and practice well. I think I said, EY is a growing company and a promising one so I would like to be part of the growth of your company and part take in making it as the leading airline in the world through my experience, dedication. And I also added that I enjoyed providing good customer service and how appealing I found the flexible lifestyle going from one city to another, meeting different people which broaden my horizon, since I wasn't really a 8 to 5 kind of person, I believe that I will excel in the Airline Industry better. Be prepared, read reference books such as How To Answer The Toughest Interview Questions or How to become a Flight Attendant. It will help!

IF ITS YOUR LUCK|IT'S YOURS: If you do well in the reach test, a couple of group discussions, an English exams and essay writing contest, your individual interview, then you are off to the golden dunes of Abu Dhabi or in any part of the world. Just remember it's the your confidence, determination and a pinch of luck that will get you the part, nothing personal, although its a personal thing if you didn't get it and you did everything I said, so Good Luck, and did I tell you, PRAY and ask for guidance

I LVoe!

source: gadling

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post& I really enjoyed reading it! Thank you for your very good tips!

Also would you be so kind to help me with an answer:
I have only 158 cm and I have two scars: one on my right hand ( a 2 cm knife scar) and one on my right foot ( smaller than the one on my hand and with a rounded shape).
Do you think that I could still apply for cabin crew, or I definitly have no chance?