Tuesday, March 09, 2010

LVoe Review: Lady Gaga Headphones

So bored staying at my flat for a couple of days now and my friends are nowhere to be found so I decided to get some fresh air at the mall. I visited Virgin Records to check on my eyecandy for my upcoming birthday gift. Lady Gaga Headphones|Heartbeats by Dr. Dre. Since the SA is a fellow Flip, he let me try it and experience Lady Gaga first hand.

I was pretty disappointed. The sound is mediocre. Design is so Lady Gaga but performance wise is a thumb's down for me. The ear-piece kept falling off my shoulder. Grrr!

Nonetheless, please see review below.

THE GOOD: The Heartbeats by Lady Gaga Headphones feature a unique, eye-catching style that won't go unnoticed; they seem very durable; and Monster includes a cute carrying case.
THE BAD: The low-end response from the Heartbeats headphones is generally muddy and overpowering, and the earpieces are not ergonomic and tend to slip out of the ear.
THE BOTTOM LINE: The Heartbeats by Lady Gaga Headphones are undeniably unique and there's little doubt that they'll attract fashionistas far and wide, but prospective buyers should be wary of potential fit issues and the overpowering low-end response.
I don't so LVoe it now!

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