Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Phillip Lim | Spring 2011 | New York Fashion Week

Finally, New York Fashion week is running and I am stuck in the desert and instead of having a New York flight, I got Chicago.

Anyway, here are the runway photos of Phillip Lim's collection for Spring 2011.

Subtlety was the statement behind this season's show, where the models marched by in clothes that barely skimmed their skinny frames. The clothes—drifty tunics, tailored jackets hanging off the shoulders, sheer belted jackets in solid shades of white, beige, and peach—were offset by silk scarves that hung like tails as each guy turned the corner. A deftly surprising touch in a quiet, ghostly, arresting show.

I LVoe!
source: philliplim|gq

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