Thursday, March 22, 2012

Magnum Sucks!

Forgive me but MAGNUM is just a FAD! Oh, I'm not saying that its not delicious, but it didn't live up to what I'm expecting it to be.

The advertisement is HUGE, with big stars endorsers and full coverage about it, a big buzz really... I don't have twitter anymore so I only see this Magnum stuff in Facebook, friends posting photos of it and I was like what the f*** I need to try this...

So my friends and I flew to Frankfurt two days back and gosh, the price is insane, according to Margaux and Bianca, in Manila, its only 50 Pesos, around $ 1.20 but in Europe, its 3.90 for a Magnum classic and Gold, Fudge me!

So my expectation is really over the top for me, we were like teasing each other that if we buy this product, SELECTA and its Ad agency wins, we know already that this is just a big whatever but were stupid, we tried it! 

I was looking for that special moment that I will pause for a while and savor the spectacular flavor, like tasting the original Belgian Waffle and Mussels in Brussels, the real gelato in Milan, High Tea in London and Chicken Biryani in Bombay (opps!) disregard the latter part. Anyway! It failed!!! Big time! After finishing the bar, I said to them, that's it????What the.... 

We're right!!! there's nothing outrageously great about Magnum! I didn't feel anything special! I'd rather have Ben & Jerry's or Coldstone!

So sorry but this is what we felt after tasting several flavors, nonetheless, I salute the creator of this fuzz for making it successful and profitable.

But I will not recommend this at all!

That's all!

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