Monday, February 09, 2009

Coming To America

I slept at around 12 midnight last night.

As usual I was awaken at around 0230H (that's everyday!) then slept again because I need to be ready for my US Crew Visa schedule, pick-up was 0630H.

The bus came early, picked up some crew in Al Salama, Al Jazeera and Crescent Tower and reached the embassy before 0730H. The queue was manageable but after passing 2 security clearance we waited for almost 2 hours to finish the whole stretch of visa issuance. There are still tourist going to the U.S, well, they need to have cash flow to keep the economy going right! RECESSION remember?

Well, my number is 304. Most of the crew went back to photocopy their visa page because they didn't have one, I'm lucky I did prepare it so no hassle for me. A guy interviewed me, which is by the way a bit strict-looking, asked me if there's new US route this year, I said " We'll have Chicago by September 2009, the third largest terminal and majority of Arab-Americans reside in Illinois. He replied "good". You have been refused visa before? I said "YES", why? Well I said 9 years ago they said I'm too young and I may not have reason to go back to Manila... He then said okay, just get your passport and US visa tomorrow. Then I replied, " Thank you! ".

At that time? probably yes if they have given me one! But now? no way, I am better off here than in America.

But there's still many people trying their luck in the US, pursuing their American Dream! For me, there are more beautiful and interesting places and more accommodating like in Europe, Asia or Africa.

In my opinion, the reason why US are quiet strict in issuing visa for tourist is that some abuse the privilege by not returning back to their respective countries. So the real tourists and visitors were the one taking the back slash of their actions.

So much for the heartaches... It's time to bear another ultra-long haul flights to JFK and soon in Chicago. My taste of the American Dream will soon be a reality.


Ciao Ciao De Carabao

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