Do I hate the sun? Well, I love it! But sometimes when it's too hot, I don't like it! My hair stinks and I might sweat a lot! So I rather choose to be at home with my air-conditioning on to the highest level!

This summer will be my first time experience in Dubai, in UAE, they said that the temperature can reach up to 50 degrees. Wow! That's not too hot! Yeah Right! I feel that the almighty Sun is just around the corner, sand storms visits the city everyday so this is just a sign of an early summer fun... Be ready with your sunblocks and SPF's!

Well I guess If that's the case, I will pray hard that I will be included in the roster of crew going to Turkey for a month or two operations... I bet the weather there will be manageable.
So I am now preparing myself for a series of hot summer nights... Just this morning when I took a bath, I did not turn on the heater and it was still hooooooot.....

I might put some eyes next time... by the way, high way, I havent eaten my breakfast and lunch yet... I am soooooo hungryyyyy!