I have my fair share of everything in Singapore...
Losing money & having fun, well it's one of it but compared to other stuff, it's okay. I met my long lost batchmate, our Italian beauty, Giada.
Went to Singapore Flyer with my brother, saw & amazed by the Merlion and the Esplanade with Lovely, John and my brother.
Ate a lot of Korean buffet and Mcdonalds. Went to the Pump with the crew at Clark Quay- got drunk and khalas.
It was the first time I went out with the crew, I had some booze and I dance 'till I forgot all my problems. I enjoyed for a while...smiled for a while and had a real, good and clean fun.
I wish that life is like this... but it's not,so we need to thank God for all his blessings... For putting us in the position that we are so lucky to have almost everything we asked from him...
All I give praises....
Gotta sleep... Sentosa tomorrow? maybe...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao