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14 hours flight seems very short for me. You can say I'm too excited to go to New York no matter how many times I'm bragging mad about this flight. Beyond my expectations, I was ecstatic to go to the land of the free and I'm still am!
New York for me spells Freedom. Though from many cities and countries I have visited there's a mix of everything, streets are dirty, many post-depression buildings still stand, people of all nationality are there, recession or not, still they were able to
The weather forecast was not too good, "Rain and many stuff", luckily its sunny but cold when we reach Jon F. Kennedy International Airport. We arrived ahead of time but because were waiting for Captain's wife arrival from Florida, we waited almost 40 minutes, time wasted! Just kidding!
The new hotel, Grand City Hotel in Long Island was a Victorian-inspired hotel, big room, antique fixtures but pleasing. The neighborhood is like so "desperate housewives", you will feel that "Bree" might be just around the corner.
I still had couple of horse's energy to conquer the Big Apple. I waited for a dear friend, Craig, he drove all the way from New Jersey just to see me! Thank you so much Craig for the time and effort and help to take photos of me... Mwahhhhh!
We had lunch at Roosevelt Fields and headed towards the city.
We drove from Garden City to Brooklyn and Manhattan and finally, we parked at China Town and the rest were pure walking and the use of the subway.
You can see that the city is aging, but the people are still beautiful.
Rubbish everywhere but there is a sense of cleanliness.
People were busy and stressed but there's certain calmness and peace.
New York is New York. The bustling sound and the colorful structures plus the people make this city Fabulous and Fierce!
From the World Trade Center to Wall St. To Broadway, Rockefeller and Madison Square to Central Park and Bryant Park, I still want more.
I'm looking forward for another one. Oh... I can't sleep and I can still smell New York.
Ciao Ciao De Carabao