My birthday gift for myself came in early, I was kinda low so I pushed myself again to bed after sleeping for almost 12 hours after my New York flight to Marina mall to put some smile into my face, a very expensive smile that is.
I really hate it if feel low or bad, my depression to this so called life is eating me, especially my natal day is coming, adding to my anxiety is that today is Friday the 13th, my lucky day he he he! I was hired in EY, Friday the 13th!
Oh, I think I need a dose of alcohol in my system now, all my closest friends are either in-flight, or in the gym, sleeping or doing other errands. So here I am, eating alone, mall-walking alone, day dreaming alone. (SIGH!) A big one!
Well, as usual, I did some rounds to ZARA and found some interesting Casual to Formal Jackets, my Favorite and it's again, Grey! Summer is just around the corner so most of the collections are linens or cottons. There are no new loafers to feast so I bid goodbye to most of my SA friends...
I reached LV around 1610H, usually they are open 1600H till 2200H on Fridays, I met "Ate Laila" and Ahlan, about to pick up either my Damier Geant COUGUAR or Damier Graphite Tadao. Unfortunately, the 2 Couguar stocks stayed in the store for quite sometime so Ate Laila encouraged me not to buy them so, since Tadao also is out of stock, I diverted my attention to my 3rd pick, the Damier Ebene Naviglo or Damier Azure. Well, I was looking for a Manbag that suit my personality, not too big or not too small. And I think, well I thought that, aside from my other two favorites, the Naviglio is okay, though it looks like a lunch box or a camera bag, well...I ended up bringing the big brown bag...
Guess what I brought with me...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao...