From the Fine City of Singapore to Queensland's capital, Brisbane.
As foreseen by the weather news channel, it will be a drizzling week in Brisbane, so what now? Can we go to Goldcoast? Inshallah! Hoping that tomorrow is a sunny day or so I wish.
I was assigned as the galley operator for mid-coral zone for this sector and I am excited and nervous because I am working with two great galley operators as cabin operators this time! Kwang and Lovely (happy birthday dear! Thanks for the pizza!). I am happy too because I was able to get the sunglasses I wanted from Marc Jacobs with half the price... Yahoo!
Going back, we had a great and smooth flight, lavatories were dry and clean, we finished early and we had one hour and a half crew rest, top that! Thanks Captain... A few bumps and fasten-seatbelts sign on and we reached Brisbane International Airport.
More beautiful people this time. I enjoyed it he he he!
Our hotel, the SEBEL located at the heart of Brisbane is a chic and hip hotel, I am loving the fixtures and design, it is near to most of the shops and restaurants and the city hall too!
I slept like a baby, 7 full hours...
Then went to see the team for a very sumptuous dinner at Jojo's.
The restaurant is jammed as we celebrate the Hearts day ;-(, However we were able to secure an 8 seater table, a delicious spicy spagetti marinara for me and steaks for the rest. I really wanted to try the rib-eye but tomorrow maybe. I had 2 bottles of Bondi Blondie Beer and I am solved.
We wanted to party but we can't find a nice bar so we ended up drinking for more at the Belgian Bar were Lovely our birthday celebrant was held up by the bouncer thinking that she's underage... Lucky for her.
Basically that's it for my first night in Brisbane, nothing much but I enjoyed the view.
I hope the the weather will cooperate tomorrow or should I say, later today so we can visit some picturesque scenery.
Ciao ciao De Carabao