Too much scary movies for you now? Well there's another one, but this time its like one of the scary movies saga. Vampire Sucks. A parody of Twilight and more..
Interviewmagazine gets romantic in the watches feature"Kissing TIME"from their recent April 2010 issue. The amorous editorial is photographed byRobbie Fimmanoand styled bySarah Ellisonwith hair byHolli Smithand make-up byMaki Ryoke.
Creative photographer, Tom Munro took another celebrity to be the star of Elle US July 2010 issue, Rihanna. The Leopard print dress matches her perfect tan look!
Who would have thought that an Octopus, named Paul from a German aquarium can predict the results of the FIFA World Cup 2010. Yes he did choose accurately! By submerging 2 clear glass boxes with competing team and mussels for Paul, he will go to towards the box he like! Amazing! He never missed! So, tomorrow night, we'll know if Paul The Octopus can maintain his psychic strength putting Spain on the World Cup history! A few hours back, his prediction came true, Germany beating Argentina!