I love Lookbook & how they suggest or inspire people to dress. It might be the current trend or upcoming ones. And Definitivetouch once again relived my passion to deconstruct or just to dress good.
Here are some suggestions, which I myself can wear except for the jacket, maybe.
" The Man In The Moon "
" The Man On The Moon" ensemble consists of this week’s most space-age garments as seen in the daily news. Inspired by futurism and outer space optics this outfit makes you look like a fast-forward fashionisto… or would-be astronaut. However, these one-of-a-kind pieces are definitely key items for contemporary trends: jacket by Junya Watanabe, t-shirt by A.P.C., shoes by Neil Barrett, denim pants by Topman, bag by Tumi, sunglasses by Chronicles of Never.
I LVoe!
source: definitivetouch