A popular Philippine television noontime show, WOWOWEE had its first beauty pageant thru the support of FITRUM Dietry supplement called Miss Fitrum 2008 which embodies the true Filipina beauty, confidence and being sexy in and out. A total of 28 finalist which where picked thru daily, weekly and monthly competition, then it was trimmed down to 12 then eventually, 4 winners. The sole winner will win a talent contract, 200,000 DHS cash, trip to Singapore plus pocket money and a brand new car.
The question given to one finalist goes...
Miss Universe 1969, Miss Philippines, Gloria Diaz : Anong isang bahagi ng katawan mo ang pinagmamalaki mo at bakit? ( Which one part of your body you are very proud of and why?)
Miss Fitrum Finalist from Siargao, Southern Mindanao Province answered: Ang mata ko po, dahil kung wala po ang mata ko, di ako makakakita. 'Yun lang po at maraming salamat! ( My eyes because if I don't have my eyes I can't see, that's all and thank you!) Har Har Har... One of the many bloopers in a beauty pageant, an honest to goodness & no brainer answer to an overused question.
The winner is Miss Hannah Leah Pasudag of Davao City, she was also voted for Miss Telegenic. She joined many pageants such as Miss Bikini Open, Ever Bilena (Sosyal! Hi Hi Hi).