Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Off To Manila

Oh well, I'm flying again to one of Asia's favorite destination, Philippines... I'm speaking for myself, I LVoe Manila for its my home city, but nonetheless, the food makes me crave for more and the hustle and bustle of the city makes me miss this city!

Though there's nothing much to see in the city, I am still enchanted by its modern and traditional living!

I can't wait to eat, live and move!

Manile, Manila, Maynila!

I LVoe!

Should I Leave?

I am confused now if I should transfer my blog from my loyal Blogger to Wordpress. Hmmm! I checked Wordpress site and it's kinda promising, the only issue for me is that will it work for me like what Blogger is currently giving me... Oh let's see! I'm contemplating now! I'll keep you all posted ASAP!

I LVoe!