Well, it's not a tiring week for me, I spent my birthday in Manila and then flew to Jakarta with dear friend John, had a great Balinese massage and body scrub and then got wet coming back from a rain down pour in Abu Dhabi, two days back which contributed to my running nose, fever and flew.
I have not anticipated this situation, because as they say... " In time of crisis, you cannot get sick!" But what to do, nature took its course! I'm feeling a lot better now due to gallons of water I drank but still I have this big headache and I'm not sure if it will get better or worst because I haven't rested enough.
Another thing is that my brother is here, for 15 days or so! And what to do... Randy, our dear friend is very kind enough to supply us with all the job openings for him. Wish him luck!
Jam cooked "Arroz Caldo" and she will give some for me... Yahoo! The best food for cold days like today!
I have so much plans in New York...
Meet Craig, SJP, watch Chicago... I wish!
Well, let's see, if in a few hours I will feel okay. Then go..I am hoping to be running for Etihad's Next Perfect Attendance... I guess not!
Ciao Ciao De Carabao