Elissa was born in Deir Alahmar on October 27th 1972. Her real name is Alisar Khoury. She was raised in the beautiful nature of Bekaa Valley. Elissa got a degree in Political Science from the Lebanese University. Her first steps into art and music activities were in political critic theater of (Wassim Tabarah). Elissa also appreared in the (10 O''clock Theater).
Her sucess in theater encourage her to take her new steps into the music world.
In the year 1993 Elissa won a silver medal for her performance at (Studio El Fan), a show broadcast on LBC, considered as one of the top TV programs, directed by Maker of the stars, Simon Asmar.
I just purchased her album and it was enchanting.

The Song Tesadaa Be Min is a great love song which reminds us of Amr Diab song Yehemak Fe Eih from his album Wayah.
Aysha Wel Salam is also a nice song in the new album.
I LVoe!