We had around 35 minutes to do last duty free shopping on my last JFK flight. We were all like rats that roamed the canals while the cats were out.
I was able to buy some chocolates and NY caps and bears. Then we went to the vanity section were tons of parfums et.al were teasing our eyes and nose.
We tried the Estee Lauder finishing pore reducing moisturizer and it was perfect. Marius because of my convincing power bought one, even Abdel our Arabic speaker liked it. The Filipino SA with a "twang" was very helpful and convinced me to buy 2 perfumes from Chanel which by the way more cheaper than any duty free shops in the cities I have visited. Chanel Allure Pour Homme and Egoite sells for $67 each, less 10% Crew discount, so I bought two for $121 only. Cheappppppp! And I got 1 Givenchy perfume free. How's that!
Unfortunately, I picked the wrong Egoiste, instead of Platinum, I bought the first Egoiste, the feeling of putting it is like Jose Marie Chan's song, "Sing Me A Song, Daddy!".
I'm not that too old so really, I got the wrong Egoiste, Well, what to do, my next JFK will be at the end of the month so, what to do? Maybe a birthday gift for my Dad, who will be celebrating his 62nd birthday on the 17th of April... Wow!
Until then...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
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