Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chanel Price Hike

You're desperate need of Chanel! This line sounds familiar when Stanley Tucci was doing a makeover for Anne Hathaway's character (Andrea) in the movie, The Devil Wears Prada! 

Chanel, a highly-exclusive brand and well copied too! I am still desperate to have one bag! Just got news that by August they will increase their prices including their reissues.

We have some good Chanel news and some bad Chanel news. First the good news: Most department stores and Chanel boutiques are well stocked with classic style bags. Now, the bad news: Prices are rumored to skyrocket starting August 1st.

European Chanel experts tell us that prices of Classic style bags, which includes the Reissue, just went up 20% and now similar price hikes are anticipated state-wide. One sales associate theorized that rising demand and manufacturing difficulties are the cause for the rapid price increase.

"We don't want Chanel to become like Louis Vuitton." They are taking more of an Hermes approach where it can take three years to get the bag you like," she said. "We want Chanel to stay a luxery item and not be Main Stream."

Consider this: In 2008, a 227 Reissue was $2850. Today the same bag costs $3600 and could jump to $4100 if current indications are correct. That's an approximate 40% increase in just two years. There's nothing Main Street about that type of price shift. As a matter of fact it's not even Wall Street reality.

Remember, price hikes are always rumored and your stockpile of Chanel bags will not sustain you during a nuclear explosion. In the meantime, we canvased our local Chanel contacts and tend to believe that prices will go up August 1st. How much? Just enough to out-price Vuitton.

I LVoe!

source: madisonspy|chanel

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