Monday, April 04, 2011

Changing Seasons

Just had a visit to our clinic for a medical check-up, I'm having this cough and colds for a couple of days now and the antibiotic I took didn't get me well either.

Unfortunately, the attending doctor was in a guessing mode like me because the signs and symptoms didn't fall to any of her diagnosis maybe? So she thought that its an allergic reaction to the weather that caused my ear to swell and developed phlegm.

Oh well, I also did lab test for my phlegm so let's see if I need a stronger antibiotic to cure this stuff!

Thank god I'm still off and I will not be put on sick leave!

Let's see...

The meds were BRONCHICUM ELIXIR S, CLARINASE and NASONEX whatever these medicines are, I hope they'll do good on me!

I LVoe!

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