Tuesday, March 31, 2009
And For You Mr. Chip Tsao...
Who is Chip Tsao by the way? Well, he's the writer from HK Magazine. He was a former reporter of BBC, we wonder if why he's a "former" reporter. Anyway, this Chinese perfectionist writer calls the Philippines "A Nation of Servants." Here is Mr. Tsao's full article entitled "The War at Home":
"The Russians sank a Hong Kong freighter last month, killing the seven Chinese seamen on board. We can live with that—Lenin and Stalin were once the ideological mentors of all Chinese people. The Japanese planted a flag on Diàoyú Island. That's no big problem—we Hong Kong Chinese love Japanese cartoons, Hello Kitty, and shopping in Shinjuku, let alone our round-the-clock obsession with karaoke.
"But hold on—even the Filipinos? Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands, complete with a blatant threat from its congress to send gunboats to the South China Sea to defend the islands from China if necessary. This is beyond reproach. The reason: there are more than 130,000 Filipina maids working as $3,580-a-month cheap labor in Hong Kong. As a nation of servants, you don't flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.
"As a patriotic Chinese man, the news has made my blood boil. I summoned Louisa, my domestic assistant who holds a degree in international politics from the University of Manila, hung a map on the wall, and gave her a harsh lecture. I sternly warned her that if she wants her wages increased next year, she had better tell every one of her compatriots in Statue Square on Sunday that the entirety of the Spratly Islands belongs to China.
"Grimly, I told her that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, I would have to end her employment and send her straight home, because I would not risk the crime of treason for sponsoring an enemy of the state by paying her to wash my toilet and clean my windows 16 hours a day. With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.
"Oh yes. The government of the Philippines would certainly be wrong if they think we Chinese are prepared to swallow their insult and sit back and lose a Falkland Islands War in the Far East. They may have Barack Obama and the hawkish American military behind them, but we have a hostage in each of our homes in the Mid-Levels or higher. Some of my friends told me they have already declared a state of emergency at home. Their maids have been made to shout 'China, Madam/Sir' loudly whenever they hear the word 'Spratly.' They say the indoctrination is working as wonderfully as when we used to shout, 'Long live Chairman Mao!' at the sight of a portrait of our Great Leader during the Cultural Revolution. I'm not sure if that's going a bit too far, at least for the time being."
And here is the blog-blast of Congressman Ruffy Biazon for Mr. Tsao Chip's insult:
Why Mr. Chip Tsao Wrote that Article
I just read the article written by a certain Mr. Chip Tsao where he slammed Filipinos for our stand on the South China Sea issue (http://hk-magazine.com/feature/war-home#comment-2675), even ridiculing the Philippines by publicly admitting his racist but ignorant act of bigotry on his Filipina domestic helper.
I do not know if Mr. Tsao is on the brink of turning this into a Filipinos vs. Chinese conflict, but before that happens, I would like to caution our countrymen to not fall into this trap. It’s not really about the Filipinos vs. the Chinese.
It’s about the Filipinos vs. Mr. Chip Tsao. Let’s make it personal.
But still, I would still give Mr. Tsao the benefit of the doubt. Being the patient and understanding man that I am, I am trying to see things from where Mr. Tsao is coming from. I am trying to rationalize why he wrote those things and why he has that point of view.
I have come to some theories why I think he wrote that article. If you have any other explanation in mind, please try to add through your comments.
My theories are:
1. His mother fed him milk which had melamine, produced from their country’s factories that have very low quality control standards.
2. As a child, he chewed on his lead-paint-coated toys also produced from their low-quality factories.
3. As he grew up, he always had siopao which were filled with imitation meat made of cardboard.
4. He was supposed to be aborted by the State, but somehow, the abortion tool only managed to tear off half his brain and he survived.
5. He had psychological trauma because he wanted so bad to join the Chinese Olympic Gymnastics team but he was rejected by the State because he couldn’t tell which was right and left (owing to having only half a brain)
6. He harbors ill feelings towards Filipinos who are given worldwide recognition for being good English communicators while he, even though being educated in a British colony, is still asked to repeat over and over again what he is saying because of the heavy Chinese accent in his English. So, he tries to prove his worth by writing.
7. He has an insatiable lust for Filipinas but he keeps getting turned down because of his revolting facial features, incurable halitosis and extremely small penis.
8. He is trying to gain attention because as a child and even up to his teenage days, he was so insignificant that nobody noticed his existence.
9. His own country ignores him, so he takes a shot at the Filipinos in the hope that we would react to him, finally gaining recognition for his pathetic existence on Earth.
10. He was bullied when he was a kid and always pissed and shit in his pants out of fear but never had the chance or even the courage to fight back. So he picks a fight with his own employee, or people who live overseas, confident that he will not get a fist in the eye for doing so.
Let's Not Forget About This Bitch!
Two years ago,a columnist from Manila Standard and Peoples Asia wrote a very degra
ding story about OFW and her experience about summer.
Nonetheless, what flared controversies were her insulting words about us. When I first read her article, my blood boiled to its maximum intensity and I told myself, I need to see this bitch.
And when I saw her, my blood's temperature subsided. I just told my partner that time, let her be! Poor girl, she is lonely, sad and unwealthy inside. She deserved what she had now, she apparently resigned from the said publications and mad
e a public apology stating that her article has a target audience, not for the poor I guess! But to make fun and insult to almost hundreds of thousands Filipino Workers who sacrifices their time away from their family, work hard for the money and be frugal about everything, well it's not the best time to joke I guess.
I just reposted this article for us
not to forget people who uses different media to insult and maltreat people, whether a Mongoloid-acting writer from Hongkong Magazine named Mr. Chip Tsao or Ms. Malu Fernandez. It's rude to degrade any race,we are living and working hard to earn for our family. Re
spect is the key! And I guess their parents didn't feed them one!
Let's not forget! Let's not forget!
Summer comes and goes. Most of the time I am out if the country for work. But I’m stuck here, I ignore the heat and stay in a temperature-controlled room of 18 degrees – cold enough to make the windows sweat. This year I decided to go off tangent and pick places I have never been to before.
Much to my chagrin, I had never been to the beach. You see, I hate the sand, the bugs and the mosquitoes, but I figured it would be fun with everyone around. As we reached the villa I was spraying Baygon everywhere. I thought I had nearly killed myself with all the insect repellant and Lysol disinfectant I kept on spraying. I am so not into roughing it up. For me, the minimum requirement for traveling is a Holiday Inn.
A couple of days later saw us walking down to Station 2 where D’mall was and I was trying my best not to freak out as the beach was filled with algae, which were collecting on my Adidas all-terrain. (I refuse to wear Havaianas and scratch my pedicure.) Finally as we walked back , I was dazzled by a beautiful white structure, so white it glistened under the sun. This brilliant apparition was Discovery Shores, an oasis in the middle of the island. Not only do the staff headed by Jun Parreno make you feel at home, the food by chef David Pardo de Ayala is fabulous as well. And after seeing the whole poolside and the fabulous rooms done by Budgi Layug, I wanted to move there. But I was too ashamed to ditch my friends and forego the huge amount I already paid for my share of the villa. So I promised to go back another time in order to luxuriate in their fabulous surroundings.
Meanwhile, when all of this was going on, I was on the cell phone with my jet set buddy Ron Sato planning an impromptu trip. You see, Ron is my travel buddy who lives in Los Angeles, so between his schedule and mine, the logistics are a nightmare. The week of Easter, however, was open for both of us so I said: “Pick a country!” We decided on Greece and off we went. But getting there was a bloddy nightmare. To save on my ticket, I bravely took an economy class seat on Emirates as recommended by my travel agent. Ron excitedly told me to go for it – Emirates had won best economy class and some award. However I forgot that the hub was in Dubai and the majority of the OFWs (overseas Filipino workers) were stationed there. The duty-free shop was overrun with Filipino workers selling cell phones and perfume. Meanwhile, I wanted to slash my wrist at the thought of being trapped in a plane with all of them. Of course, everyone in economy class was yelled at for having overweight hand-carries. Mine was 17kg (ssshhhh!). That was all my makeup and accessories I would never risk losing if my luggage ended in the middle of the Sahara desert.
While I was on the plane (where the seats were so small I had bruises on my legs), my only consolation was the entertainment on the small flat screen in front of me. But it was busted, so I heaved a sigh, popped my sleeping pills and dozed off to the sounds of gum chewing and endless yelling of “HOY! Kumusta ka na? At taga sann ka? Domestic helper ka rin ba?” Translation: “Hey there? Where are you from? Are you a domestic helper as well?” I though I had died and God had sent me to my very own private hell.
After a nine-hour flight, I finally landed and made my way around Athens to the Ledra Marriott hotel, washed the plane off me and got a text from my other editor Gianna Maniego. She told me my weekly deadline was moved up due to the holidays. In a state of panic, I was about to have a major meltdown because I hadn’t slept for 48 hours, the Louis Vuittons under my eyes were enormous and all I wanted was a hot shower and a bed. At that point, I didn’t know where to go as there wasn’t enough time to plan a sight-seeing trip and take in the sights in order to meet my deadline so I decided to go off on a train and head to the Athens Mall.
As they say – when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping. My buddy Ron and I were laughing so hard because we flew all the way to Greece to go to a mall and eat in Ruby Tuesdays (an American chain like Chili’s). After covering my deadline, we planned to soak in the sites for the next day and headed off to the Parthenon on top of the Acropolis, climbing every step in my gold, open-toed sandals. You see, I followed the weather report on CNN but apparently the forecast was wrong because it was still winter. So I bravely went about in a lightweight sweater and a throw, climbing the Acropolis and driving to the edge of the Aegean sea by the Temple of Poseidon.
After a whole day of sight seeing I decided I have had enough of the historical sites. I adamantly wanted to go to Santorini to see the Caldero houses but due to time constraints, we were unable to go. I guess God was watching out for us because the ferry we were supposed to take sank in the middle of the Aegean Sea. I could already see myself screaming “SAVE MY ACCESSORIES!!!!” And swimming with head above water so I don’t mess up my makeup… See, I told you I hate the beach! For the rest of the stay we ended up going around the shopping district in Monasteriki and the garment district in Ermou. Old habits indeed never die!
On my way back, I had to bravely take the economy flight once more. This time I had already resigned myself to being trapped like a sardine in a sardine can with all these OFWs smelling of AXE and Charlie cologne while Jo Malone evaporated into thin air. However, for the first time in my natural life I was elated to go back to the Philippines so I could go back to Discovery Shores in Boracay and sip a tropical drink under the fabulous hat I bought in Greece. There I was sending MMS pictures to my buddy Ron trying to entice him to come over, but I didn’t succeed. Instead, I got two other friends join me in sipping cocktails with a fabulous sunset and ocean view while planting my feet firmly on the bug-free cement flooring by the poolside of Discovery Shores.
All in all, it’s been a pretty good summer. Jetting from the Aegean Sea to the Pacific may sound a bit pretentious until you wake up in economy class smelling like air freshener
Monday, March 30, 2009
Should I Go Or Should I Stay...
Well, it's not a tiring week for me, I spent my birthday in Manila and then flew to Jakarta with dear friend John, had a great Balinese massage and body scrub and then got wet coming back from a rain down pour in Abu Dhabi, two days back which contributed to my running nose, fever and flew.
I have not anticipated this situation, because as they say... " In time of crisis, you cannot get sick!" But what to do, nature took its course! I'm feeling a lot better now due to gallons of water I drank but still I have this big headache and I'm not sure if it will get better or worst because I haven't rested enough.
Another thing is that my brother is here, for 15 days or so! And what to do... Randy, our dear friend is very kind enough to supply us with all the job openings for him. Wish him luck!
Jam cooked "Arroz Caldo" and she will give some for me... Yahoo! The best food for cold days like today!
I have so much plans in New York...
Meet Craig, SJP, watch Chicago... I wish!
Well, let's see, if in a few hours I will feel okay. Then go..I am hoping to be running for Etihad's Next Perfect Attendance... I guess not!
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Stressed Out
Admittedly, I was clinging on a rope that's about to fall out. My hopes are really high, thinking that everything will be alright. I'm lost!
Before my birthday, I was in a lot of stress, It's been a long time since I felt this feeling and it killed me. It reflected on my face really! ... I was really haggard! I can't sleep, I can't concentrate on things I plan to do and so forth.
My flight to Manila was great, I met 2 of my best friends for life. Ash and Sonya who is celebrating her birthday also. I made a white lie about this flight and I suffered tremendously. Instead of celebrating it with a peace of mind. I was nauseous and in too much pain.
How can you be so insensitive? It's my birthday. It's my dear friend's birthday. Leave me in peace. Ha Ha Ha... That's my feeling the whole time I was in Manila. I arrived 1030 PM, the 23rd of March and I slept 0400AM because of this mess. My credit of 160 Dhs was consumed in a flash. Explaining and swearing I didn't mean anything bad. You really can't win if you are arguing with a closed minded person. I didn't!
I'm glad Sonya and Ash were there. Instead of having a decent dinner outside, Eastwood in particular, I was forced back in to my hotel room. And ordered Jollibee instead. Wow! What a treat! And like I do best, I indulged myself eating Chicken Joy (3 pcs.), Spaghetti, Peach-Mango Pie, Jolly Hotdog and a soda, how's that for a dinner 0330H in the morning like there's no tomorrow.
I tend to hide my feelings...my loneliness...my anger especially to my friends. But this time I can't!
How can you compare my love to my friends and to you?
I am tired.
I was snoring to the highest level, I swear! due to stress.
Is it worth it? Is it worth hanging to the rope I tried to tie strongly? Too much of something is bad I guess...
(Sigh)... (A deep Sigh)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Melanie Marquez
And since I started blogging Miss International 1979, Mimilanie Marquez and 1st Runner-Up Supermodel of the World 1986. These quotes are one of the best which came out of her mouth. Enjoy reading...
The following is a draft list of quotes attributed to Melanie Marquez.
My brother is not a girl; he’s a gentleman.
That’s why I’m a success, it’s because I don’t middle in other people’s lives.
Don’t judge my brother; he’s not a book.
I won’t stoop down to my level.
Hello? Bulag ka ba? Bingi ka ba? Are you dep?
‘Yung STD, baka sa maruming toilet lang niya nakuha yan.
Eh, ikaw ba naman, durugin ang ari mo...Pag di ka naman manutok ng baril.
We are lovers, not fighters.
Kapatid ko pa rin siya. We are one and the same.
I don’t eat meat. I’m not a carnival.
Sumasakit ang migraine ko.
Ang tatay ko ang only living legend na buhay!
I keep my crown in the voltage.
Can you repeat that for the second time around once more from the top?
I couldn’t care a damn!
What’s your next class before this?
Hello, my brother Joey is out of town, would you like to wait?
Don’t touch me not!
You! you’re not a boy anymore! You’re a man anymore!
Bakit ang dami mong tanong? You're so questionable.
You can fool me once, you can fool me twice, you can fool me thrice. But you can never fool me FOUR!
Hindi ba kayo naawa sa kapatid ko...sa mga kwento nya? Di ba kayo na-PERSUAVE ng mga kwento niya? Hindi si Joey ang tipong mambubugbog ng babae...talaga lang malapit siya sa mga gulo...PRO-ACCIDENT kasi siya eh.
Boy Abunda: O Melanie, paano na ang showbiz career mo ngayong magmo-Mormon ka na? Melanie: Ah okay lang 'yon Boy, kasi matagal na rin akong SEMI-RETARDED.
They should talk behind the scene...
(answering the phone) Hello. Wait a moment. Please hang yourself.
(before Christmas) Well, I want to spend my holidays with my family most probably out of place.
Why I will give my calling card, I'm not a call girl. (Her reply to a certain Duke when the latter is asking for her calling card.)
Eto na po ang pinakamaligayang pasko at manigong taon sa inyong lahat. (During her acceptance speech at a Metro Filmfest awards night where her bioflick, directed by her late father Temyong Marquez, won an award.)
Period na talaga; wala nang exclamation point. (When asked on S-Files if her present husband, Adam Lawyer, is her Mr. Right)
And the base of my observation is... (showbiz stripped May 14 GMA Ch. 7)
At a talk show after her break-up with Derek Dee, Melanie was asked if she had some words for Derek’s mother (whom she partly blamed for the separation). "Oo nga," said Melanie, "pero i-English-in ko para maintindihan niya." She looked into the camera and, with the peremptoriness of royalty, said, "And to you, Mrs. Dee, I have two words for you. Ang labo mo!"
(When asked for a message to her daughter who was allegedly abused by their houseboy) Don't worry little angel, big angel is here.
(On what they should do to the houseboy who molested her daughter) He should be put behind bar.
(While waiting backstage during a noontime show after watching Nikki Valdez do her dance number) Nikki, you're so galing. You should go to the States. You will sell hotcakes!
(While she's in Morning Girls With Kris & Korina promoting her movie with Aleck Bovick) Please watch HIRAM starring Aleck Baldwin (referring to Aleck Bovick) and myself. It's DIRECTOR by Romy Suzara.
(After giving birth, and an interview on The Buzz) My answers have been prayered!
(To ex-flame Senator Lito Lapid) Hello...Huwag kang tumahol sa sarili mong bakuran noh! (In response to being misunderstood) You know, huwag kang tumahol like dogs.
Next Top Model...Africa!
Bankable Productions never stop reinventing programs that will entice viewers to see their shows. From the Tyra Banks Show to America's Next Top Model, even the Philippines bought franchise to make a local version of it, we're even on our way to Cycle 2.
And just recently, thousands audition in their Manhattan studio for the next cycle 13th of America's search for next top model. And this time, Tyra gives the opportunity to aspiring models who are 5 feet 7 inches tall and smaller... Is that a good news or what?
And the big reveal came that Tyra plans to launch Africa's Next Top Model, audition will be held where else, but at Sandton Convention Centre on March 28, so all the beautiful ladies of Africa will participate.
Prices? Lots of them... Modelling contract from Tyra's modelling agency, a chance to co-host with her too plus the most exciting one, a 6 month-contract from LOUIS VUITTON which will launch her as the Face of Vuitton for the next season, Fall-Winter 2009-2010.
I can't wait to see the long-legged legs as Memelanie Marquez, Miss International 1979 quoted on her final question and answer, which eventually led her to the crown and made her as one of the most successful Filipina to ever conquer the modelling world in Europe and America in the 80's.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Do You Know Boyet Fajardo?
Boyet Fajardo?
Well I don't know him! Maybe if its Joaquin Fajardo, the infamous Pinoy Villain I may remember him but Boyet? Nahhh!
Just to let you know, there are several forwarded hate-mails that circulating our Filipino community and I just read a sample of this apparent fashion-mogul who acted rudely at Duty Free Fiesta in Paranaque Last March 13 which created havoc and insulted staff of the said DFS who were all following standard procedures for credit cards in our dear 3rd world country if the card is left unsigned, it is just obvious that the cashier will ask some identification cards to suffice this right? It's written on all cashier in the Philippines right... Whew... I'm getting carried away by people who are rude and feeling untouchables.
As I was reading chuvaness blog, she already made an effort to know who is Boyet Fajardo... And in her blog it states that :
" On September 1, 1980, Boyet Fajardo opened his first shop on Banaue street in Quezon City as a bid to join the big names in the made-to-order industry at 17 and a college sophomore (at UST, where he was majoring in Fine Arts). Boyet Fajardo believed that he had what it takes to make it in fashion alongside the more established names like Ben Farrales.
Today, Boyet is one of the biggest names in RTW. His Boyet Fajardo line is carried in all Robinsons stores—there are about 20 of them all over Metro Manila and in the provinces—and the Landmark. Since making the big shift from couture clothes to RTW Boyet Fajardo can truly be called a success. He has become both an artistic and financial success. In fact, he recently had his new office-cum-residence located in Valle Verde, officially blessed.
The house, which has a large garden, is dotted with Boyet’s favorite antiques and paintings. He also recently bought a house in nearby Acropolis, which was blessed on Nov. 28, a blessing that was attended by many of Boyet’s longtime clients and friends.
He has truly come a long way….."
Well I get you but for you to curse people and burried them in shame. Go to where the pigs go! (sorry!)
" Last March 13, 2009—or Friday the 13th—we went with our Tatay Rey (who just arrived from Abu Dhabi as OFW a day before) to Duty Free Philippines Fiesta Mall in Parañaque to shop and point. Or we point and he’ll buy…hehehe:)
While waiting in line at the cashiers to pay our goodies…we saw a customer at the top of his voice berating the cashiers and managers of Duty Free... From what my sister told me, it was about a credit card purchase that the cashier was kindly asking for the irate customer's ID to vouch for the legit owner of the credit card which was also “unsigned”—a normal operating procedure to avoid misuse.
He might have thought a celebrated person like he is with all his accolades and fame had gone unrecognized by this cashier person who was doing the job he was trained to do. Tsk tsk tsk…
While Store Managers and officers were sought to appease the matter, explaining to him that it is standard operating procedure in credit card safety, not only for the company but also his own.
Ignoring this, he pulled out his phone and threatened to call high positioned people whom he allegedly knew, to make these people realize how important he is.. he went on using words like “LECHE KAYO, DI NYO KO KILALA? AKO SI BOYET FAJARDO! AT ITONG P..I.. NA BABAENG ITO, (pointing to a lady officer) AT ANG BAKLANG ITO (pointing to the cashier) AY WALANG KWENTANG MGA TAO! I WANT THEM FIRED!!!
His yelling and berating went on and on, he could not calm down and went on to say, that only if the cashier would kneel down before him and/or allow him to freely slap the persons face, would he get satisfied.
AND, you know what happened next...the poor cashier simply gave in, crying in shame. He knelt down and apologized before this self proclaimed GOD…. "
Please see below link for the CCTV of the incident...
And now, there are petition to boycott his label house as well as his products.
Shame on you Girl!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Why Oh Why...
My birthday gift for myself came in early, I was kinda low so I pushed myself again to bed after sleeping for almost 12 hours after my New York flight to Marina mall to put some smile into my face, a very expensive smile that is.
I really hate it if feel low or bad, my depression to this so called life is eating me, especially my natal day is coming, adding to my anxiety is that today is Friday the 13th, my lucky day he he he! I was hired in EY, Friday the 13th!
Oh, I think I need a dose of alcohol in my system now, all my closest friends are either in-flight, or in the gym, sleeping or doing other errands. So here I am, eating alone, mall-walking alone, day dreaming alone. (SIGH!) A big one!
Well, as usual, I did some rounds to ZARA and found some interesting Casual to Formal Jackets, my Favorite and it's again, Grey! Summer is just around the corner so most of the collections are linens or cottons. There are no new loafers to feast so I bid goodbye to most of my SA friends...
I reached LV around 1610H, usually they are open 1600H till 2200H on Fridays, I met "Ate Laila" and Ahlan, about to pick up either my Damier Geant COUGUAR or Damier Graphite Tadao. Unfortunately, the 2 Couguar stocks stayed in the store for quite sometime so Ate Laila encouraged me not to buy them so, since Tadao also is out of stock, I diverted my attention to my 3rd pick, the Damier Ebene Naviglo or Damier Azure. Well, I was looking for a Manbag that suit my personality, not too big or not too small. And I think, well I thought that, aside from my other two favorites, the Naviglio is okay, though it looks like a lunch box or a camera bag, well...I ended up bringing the big brown bag...
Guess what I brought with me...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao...
We had around 35 minutes to do last duty free shopping on my last JFK flight. We were all like rats that roamed the canals while the cats were out.
I was able to buy some chocolates and NY caps and bears. Then we went to the vanity section were tons of parfums et.al were teasing our eyes and nose.
We tried the Estee Lauder finishing pore reducing moisturizer and it was perfect. Marius because of my convincing power bought one, even Abdel our Arabic speaker liked it. The Filipino SA with a "twang" was very helpful and convinced me to buy 2 perfumes from Chanel which by the way more cheaper than any duty free shops in the cities I have visited. Chanel Allure Pour Homme and Egoite sells for $67 each, less 10% Crew discount, so I bought two for $121 only. Cheappppppp! And I got 1 Givenchy perfume free. How's that!
Unfortunately, I picked the wrong Egoiste, instead of Platinum, I bought the first Egoiste, the feeling of putting it is like Jose Marie Chan's song, "Sing Me A Song, Daddy!".
I'm not that too old so really, I got the wrong Egoiste, Well, what to do, my next JFK will be at the end of the month so, what to do? Maybe a birthday gift for my Dad, who will be celebrating his 62nd birthday on the 17th of April... Wow!
Until then...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I LVoe New York!
What ca
14 hours flight seems very short for me. You can say I'm too excited to go to New York no matter how many times I'm bragging mad about this flight. Beyond my expectations, I was ecstatic to go to the land of the free and I'm still am!
New York for me spells Freedom. Though from many cities and countries I have visited there's a mix of everything, streets are dirty, many post-depression buildings still stand, people of all nationality are there, recession or not, still they were able to
The weather forecast was not too good, "Rain and many stuff", luckily its sunny but cold when we reach Jon F. Kennedy International Airport. We arrived ahead of time but because were waiting for Captain's wife arrival from Florida, we waited almost 40 minutes, time wasted! Just kidding!
The new hotel, Grand City Hotel in Long Island was a Victorian-inspired hotel, big room, antique fixtures but pleasing. The neighborhood is like so "desperate housewives", you will feel that "Bree" might be just around the corner.
I still had couple of horse's energy to conquer the Big Apple. I waited for a dear friend, Craig, he drove all the way from New Jersey just to see me! Thank you so much Craig for the time and effort and help to take photos of me... Mwahhhhh!
We had lunch at Roosevelt Fields and headed towards the city.
We drove from Garden City to Brooklyn and Manhattan and finally, we parked at China Town and the rest were pure walking and the use of the subway.
You can see that the city is aging, but the people are still beautiful.
Rubbish everywhere but there is a sense of cleanliness.
People were busy and stressed but there's certain calmness and peace.
New York is New York. The bustling sound and the colorful structures plus the people make this city Fabulous and Fierce!
From the World Trade Center to Wall St. To Broadway, Rockefeller and Madison Square to Central Park and Bryant Park, I still want more.
I'm looking forward for another one. Oh... I can't sleep and I can still smell New York.
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Monday, March 09, 2009
My Birthday Bag?
15 more days and I will have my birthday...
I wanted the Damier Graphite Tadao but I think I can't extend my budget for hundreds of dollars more... So again, I will settle for my second best bag, the Damier Geant Couguar.
I'm beginning to like the collection of Damier Geant though it has been there years before.
Oh well, Should I settle for the 2nd best?
Let's see...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Pre- Ultra Long Haul Flight... Can't Sleep!
This is what I hate, after tiring myself by visiting the mall with Tata, we went to Bershka, Pull and Bear, I-Style, Virgin Records, lunch at Cafe Moka then Al Ansar,i I never imagine that I am still awake. I should be sleeping now. Hey, New York City, 14 hours flight! Economy, Jungle? Pleaseeeeee!
I know the culprit... My Green Tea HP? Why? Because I drank 1.5 liter of it while watching Mean Girls and Spanglish at Tata's flat. Sorry I forgot! It has caffeine, OMG! And now, 3 hours before my pick-up, I am still ready to go!
Eventhough I sprayed 4 of the Bachs herbal sleep aid. I am still awake!
God help me later!
Well, I hope my excitement to see New York will keep me alive serving my dear passengers later.
I hope.
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Pre- Ultra Long Haul Flight... Can't Sleep!
This is what I hate, after tiring myself by visiting the mall with Tata, we went to Bershka, Pull and Bear, I-Style, Virgin Records, lunch at Cafe Moka then Al Ansar,i I never imagine that I am still awake. I should be sleeping now. Hey, New York City, 14 hours flight! Economy, Jungle? Pleaseeeeee!
I know the culprit... My Green Tea HP? Why? Because I drank 1.5 liter of it while watching Mean Girls and Spanglish at Tata's flat. Sorry I forgot! It has caffeine, OMG! And now, 3 hours before my pick-up, I am still ready to go!
Eventhough I sprayed 4 of the Bachs herbal sleep aid. I am still awake!
God help me later!
Well, I hope my excitement to see New York will keep me alive serving my dear passengers.
I hope.
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Crossing Over
A film very close to every minority's heart. Whether you are aspiring to have a good life in, now-recession country of the United States Of America or seek greener pasteur in Europe or in the Middle East, this film is for you.
I was bragging about why do people wanted to go the US? Even Australians, Jews, Asians, Indians, Arabs and South and Central Americans wanted to be citizens of Obama? Then Ayoni said to me, why did you go to UAE? It's the same thing, same ideals, same dream and same hope, for a better life. And it's TRUE!
I would say that in the US, the "GREEN CARD" is their passport to a better life, so they would do anything to have it, even trade their souls to get one. And as how sad the reality of life is. This is the trick of the trade. There are sacrifices to be made, promises to be broken and a new life to built.
The American Dream.
And as I embark on my first American Dream in 2 days time, I will cross over and feel what is like to be in the American soil. Will it be sweeter? You gotta be kidding me right?
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Goodbye For Now, Francis M.
Goodbye for now Francis M.
Francis Magalona, Master rapper who was the pioneer of Philippine Hip-hop bid farewell last March 06, 2009 at the age of 44, after losing the battle to AML or Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
He was a father of 8 beautiful and talented kids and a husband to beautiful Pia Arroyo.
Francis M. paved way to many aspiring rappers who is now successful either in the music industry, family life and the clothing line business.
Before I started rapping to the songs of Mastaplann, I loved lip-syncing with his all-time favorite songs like Mga Praning-ning (Crazy-Peeps) and Mga Kababayan Ko (My Countrymen).
His last stints were from the longest running noon-time show "Eat Bulaga" and Philippine Idol as one of the judges.
May you rest in peace.
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Time To Save
And since it's financial crunch time now, I need to be extra frugal to get what I want... So I'm saving a few hundred bucks to buy my hopefully, ultimate man bag for this year, " LV Tadao" Oh So I wish!
As I was cleaning the flat, I saw my EY Entertainer and might as well use the paper that says .. You take one for free if you purchase..blah blah blah...
So here I was cutting the pages and putting it to my wallet. Hoping it will fit all...
Ciao Ciao De Carabao
Etihad is opening, if you have the luck, passion for service and qualifications, join now...
Sydney, Australia March 05
Melbourne, Australia March 07 and 08
Perth, Australia March 10
Abu Dhabi, UAE March 15
Tunis, Tunisia March 16
Algiers, Algeria March 18
Dubai, UAE March 23
Sao Paolo, Brazil March 25 and 26
Port Alegre, Brazil March 28 and 29
Update your CV online or Email CV at ccrecruitment@etihad.ae
Middle East Cabin Crew Uniforms
I am always fascinated with cabin crew uniforms, when I was still in my apprenticeship at Northwest Airlines Crew Services at Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila Philippines , my jaw dropped when I see slender FA's from Singapore Ailrines and Cathay Pacific & professional and good looking flight attendants from Northwest Airlines. And Big, Chunky Hot Momma's and some sexy ones from my Nation's Flag Carrier, Philippine Airlines.
I wanted to be one of them (laughs!) ! I worked hard and wait patiently to be part of my country's National Airlines and now with EY.
And now, I present to you some of the Middle East's Best Airlines, some with best uniform and most are mediocre.
From Top Left To Right : Etihad Airways, Emirates Airline, Qatar Airways, Gulf Airways & Oman Air
LV Monogram Passport Holder
Anyway I have no choice, I can't be selfish so I gave it to him with a little bit tears on my eye.
So as soon as I reached home, I dragged myself to LV Marina Mall and get myself the classic monogram passport holder, it's not that fancy but it's classic.
Monday, March 02, 2009
One Fine Day-Off
Me and Tata woke up around 10 in the morning, before I even got into the kitchen to prepare something, she already steamed rice and cooked sweet ham. How sweet? Sticky rice, sweet ham, fried eggs and iced cold lemon juice for breakfast, perfect!